Cancer InFocus is a data gathering and visualization platform. The suite of tools provides interactive maps where one can examine county-level cancer incidence and mortality data alongside population demographics, social drivers of health, and behavioral risk factors. County Profiles can be generated for individual counties, consolidating all listed data items into a report.
Geography: County, Census-Tract
Data Views: Maps, Downloadable Tables, County Profiles
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Cancer InFocus
Create your own custom data maps by selecting a geographic level, category of variables and variable of interest. You can also layer in additional geographies and location data.
(CIF)² (Bivariate)
(Cancer InFocus)² is a reimagining of Cancer InFocus that allows you to visualize the relationship between two variables at the same time. Create your own custom bivariate data maps and scatterplots by selecting two variables of interest (X and Y). Data values will be placed into three categories (Low/Medium/High) for each variable and analyzed, helping to reveal possible ecologic associations.
CIF Profiles
Create your own custom Cancer InFocus data profile for a county or Area Development District by selecting a geographic level, category of variables, and area of interest.